Tag: melissa doll

Melissa Doll and her dildo


Melissa Doll likes toys, although she is not a young schoolgirl any more. Her favorite toy is this two sided dildo, which she got from her boyfriend. Wait! Why would a boyfriend of such an angel buy a dildo? We may never find out, but we can nevertheless enjoy this set.

Melissa Doll on the sofa


Here is a quote from Melissa Doll’s introduction: “I always had an open attitude toward sex, which often led me into trouble. Some people felt a sweet little girl like me shouldn’t have such a nasty behavior. That’s so uncool! I’m sure I won’t have the same problem with you…”

Melissa Doll


Melissa Doll is a sweet little angel, who is a lumberjack wannabe. Following this thought, I am from now on, a Melissa Doll sex partner wannabe!